Thursday, May 26, 2011

996 steps!


View from the top of the tower!

Another view from the top!

Big dinner!

So much to tell!!! On hmmmm oh Tuesday we just hung out in Bologna because classes started that day (not mine of course Mag, Taylor and I have just been living the life of college travelers :) Rude awakening on Friday :/) So we went out that night for one of our Badger's birthday! Of course they gave us free shots of limonchello! Then, we came back home and started planning our trip for the next day! Yesterday (Wednesday) ***Shout out to Clare Marie, My beautiful sisters birthday!!! We went to Padova which is where the Basicilla of St Anthony is.  Of course we walked allll the way there and I couldn't get in because my shorts were "too short" not real life.  But anyway, it ended up being real life and when your shorts are too short for a guard that means you no get in church. But Taylor, Sarah, and Mag said it was bella!!! After that we had a Pinnini in the park and walked to the botanical gardens! BEAUTIFUL! Then we hopped on a train and got back to bologna by 4. We thought we were going to the beach today and of course Mag and I didn't bring suits so we wanted to go into the centre and get a tank and Mag some shorts. So, we walked into town and ran into Dr. Baggot, one of the professors here from SHC (Badger).  He told us where to go to get the best gillati in town! We of course got lost BUT my map skills improoved!!!!!!!!!!! Shout out to myself!  It was such an adventure... as we began walking we ventured by the towers.  We decided to check to see if they were open (because they normally aren't) but they were and we climbed up them!!

Above is a link to the towers. Or you can of course just do what I did and google towers of Bologna. So we hiked up 598 stairs, dripping sweat but we did it!! It was beautiful.  The towers were a sign of wealth in the medieval times.  You should all come to Bologna to see them!!! So as we were coming down we were waiting for some folk to climb up because of course there is only one way. (Side note: I got pooped on by a bird right before we left for Italia which is good luck) So as we were waiting for these kids to pass, I spepped back a little bit and almost fell into a hole!!! My life flashed right before me! The hole was 2 inches long and wide but it was the scariest thing ever! I literally pulled a muscle grabbing the railing because I thought I was going down!! Maggie and Taylor of course laughed at me and so did the kids who were passing, but that stupid bird saved my life!! So then we had a BIG dinner to go to with everyone but we were not about to walk all the way back to school and then back to the centre sooo we found some people to tell us where the resturant is and we met them there.  This dinner was amazing and worth the 23 euro!! Eggplant, zucchini, salad, bread 11 desserts ***shout out to Mom- You would have died!!! AND the pastas were amazing!!!!!! NOM NOM! So then after dinner we of course had to go for a drink but I was of course out of my daily Euros so I just chatted like a good americano :)  then we got back, I finished my math hw and today we leave for Florence!!! We're doing Lucca, Siena, Pisa Florence and Rome all in 4 1/2 days!! I know kinda crazy but we all love the way we travel so it works out! Any suggestions for these cities would be wonderful!!! I'll tune in when we get baack!!!
xoxo gossip girl

Monday, May 23, 2011


Today we went to Verona!! It was bella! We took the train- it was about an hour and a half.  We went to beautiful churches, piatizzas (sp??????) AND we went to see Guillette! We saw her balcony. (pictured above) Although, Megan's super cool travel book said it was a scam because she was never actually there! Muhaha. We didnt go in the house or anything but we did go into the court yard to write our names on the wall.  Also, the movie letters to Juliet is fiction, because there are NO LETTERS!! Its just writings on the wall.  Also, if you touch Juliet's left boobie it's supposed to bring good luck. So of course we waited in line behind the Asian tour group to do it!  Then we went to duomo,  a BEAUTIFUL church that John Paul numba 2 was at.  Then we sat down for some lunch. Man were we tired! We also ran into some AMERICANOS today from the U.P!  Were were walking out of the church and I heard some english so I looked over and said americans? We talked to them for a bit. The dad was hilarious.  I had some penne pasta with tomato sauce and fresh basil. NOM NOM! Caroline had a sauceless pizza with some of that Italian meat she loves.  Taylor had some cheese and spinach thing, Allyson had some lasagna and Megan of course had a salada!  Everyone loved their food.  It is always so silent when we are eating because the food is execlente! After lunch we walked to the Palace...aka castle and walked around the courtyard.  It was beautiful. It overlooked a cute little river.  Then, we found our way back to the train station and rode for about 2 hours back to Bologna, went to the store got some 99 cent wine and went home to take a shower.  Tonight, we are going to plan the rest of our travels.  Mag and I were gunna pick up smoking to fit in around here but we quit before we could get started.


This weekend we're going to Florence for class on Thursday night. Stay till Saturday- on Saturday hit up Lucca, Piza, and Sienna and head back to Bologna that night because Sunday... one of the Italian students here.. pj is welcoming the Americans into his home in Verona and having some kind of dinner and wine tasting!! How cool is that!!!!!!

We're headed off to the Mensa for our 75 course dinner! Ciao!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring Hill Center in Bologna, Italy!!

Werea finnalli hera! My friend and I arrived Saturday around 3!! The flight was long but not bad :)  We received free wine!! After we arrived, we went to the park located right across campus which is very small and cute and had a beer.  Then, we had a meeting to learn how not to act like a esstupida americanos! Thennnn we had our first Italiano meal!! It was delisioso! After dinner we went to a concert.  It was complete noise.  They played the guitar, drum and banjo and just made noise for a straight hour!  It was interesting, but I definitely took a little snooze during it :/ (estupido americano!) After the concert one nice Italiano man from the college took us out.  We went to Cafe Pari and had some vino!  We ran into 2 bachelor parties one from Holland and one from London.  They asked if we were real americanos and we had to prove it by saying cheeseburger and hot dog! Mom- I brought your cookies well, cookie crumbs to the bar and the were a big hit! We walked home about 1:45 am.  I passed out from my jet lag whoooooo baby!

Today (Sunday) we went to a cafe bar for breakfast then walked into town to see the towers, about a 15 minute walk.  We ran into a lady who knew we were lost and she took us to the towers.  Everyone is super nice here.  Bologna is not a busy city like Rome, so it is very refreshing! We had a BBQ with the Italians today then went to the soccer game! It was soo hot, but really fun!!  Very cool experience.  After the game we went to dinner at a pizza place near school.  We got pizza and they gave us free dessert and limencello shots!!!!! They were also very nice.  P.s I hope you are all reading this with an Italian accent because that is how I am saying it in mah head.  I spilled some bruchetta on the table so I cleaned it up with my tide to go pen! Thanks mom!

We're going to Verona tomorrow. Gunna have some tea with Romeo :)

We're all having sooo much fun!! Tip of the day: a smile + no=YES!!!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Boom boom pow.

I leave for Bologna on Friday May 20th!! Follow me on my blog if you're cool 8)